On Oct 4, 2014, at 2:40 PM, David Joyce <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk>
> Fred, It works nicely just in front of the starboardflap activator
slot, hidden by wing root from sun, but in full contact with outside air
between flap end & fuselage. Starboard to avoid exhaust fumes.
David=85your suggestion much appreciated=85however, you will note in
attached photos that on my ship, the slot gets buried within my enhanced
wing root fairings. I fear that the probe will reach interior cockpit /
aft fuselage temps. Care to comment on whether my fears are justified?=85
Any suggestion (anyone!) for an alternate location=85?...
> PS Before I accept, how big is the kingdom and how surly are the
My kingdom is a very small part of a small rock in the Salish Sea just
south of Vancouver, B. C., and the natives can be very surly, especially
when they=92re restless.
> Fred Klein <fklein@orcasonline.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> I offer half my kingdom to anyone who will give me a proven location
for an OAT thermocouple which is part of my =93aftermarket=94 EMS.