Sorry, but in the noble tradition of Bob Nuckolls, I feel compelled to squash
electronic mysticism. Reducing impedance in ground paths is the prime
consideration. Short, fat and tight! No special distinct classes are required.
At least no voodoo is required below UHF.
I pulled the trig y91 install manual off their site. Look at the wiring diagram
on page 52.
1)that all power and signal grounds are tied together and to aircraft ground.
Indeed, in the text, it says they only provide 5 ground pins yet 9 are
required, so tie them all together (section 5.6.12 on p22)!
2) Next, direct your attention to the RF coax connector. Note that there is only
the center conductor shown. That is because the coax ground is tied directly
to the chassis/case ground. The signal grounds go to the same place as the
chassis (section 5.6.11)!
Ira N224XS
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