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Re: Europa-List: A few sinking floats in Bing carbs 912 engines

Subject: Re: Europa-List: A few sinking floats in Bing carbs 912 engines
From: dpy01 <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 18:40:05
The following was issued by Conair in the UK to iRMT holders. 

Rotax have issued the following bulletin, which can be downloaded from www.f :
SB-912-065 (UL) / SB-914-046 (UL), October 06, 2014
Periodic Inspection of the float buoyancy for Rotax Engine Type 912 and 914 (

They have also issued a separate procedure agreed with Rotax making a simple
r check for non certified engines. 

I have done the later and it involves ensuring the float bowl is full of fue
l before dropping the bowl and checking the height of the float. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On 29 Oct 2014, at 13:26, jonathanmilbank <> wrote:
> Does anyone have details of this problem? Someone told me today about a no
tice this October from Rotax concerning certain engine serial numbers which c
ould experience sinking floats. I can't find anything on the web, but here's
 a link to the Matronics Rotax list.
> Read this topic online here:

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