It is getting difficult to obtain ethanol-free MOGAS in the UK. Given that Rotax
equipped microlights in the UK have been operating using MOGAS containing
for several years, seemingly without incident, the indications are the CAA/LAA
may be willing to grant dispensation for ethanol based fuel on a type by
type basis.
We know the Rotax 912 is approved for up to 10% ethanol and the fuel pipes and
connectors in our Europas are the same as many microlights, so in theory these
would appear to be suitable, but my question is does anybody know if the Europa
fuel tank is ethanol resistant? If it is we may be able to get clearance to
operate on MOGAS with ethanol.
Of course whenever possible it would always be preferable to use ethanol free
but it would be good to have the flexibility to operate legally on MOGAS
with ethanol when necessary.
Gordon Grant
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