Congratulations Bud. Sounds like you are a blessed man!! Congrats on the med
Jeff Roberts N128LJ
> On Nov 27, 2014, at 11:00 PM, Bud Yerly <> wrote:
> It is Thanksgiving Holiday time here in the States. I have a lot to be th
ankful for... Mostly for family and friends.
> Thanks to all for your kind words and support during my brief prostate can
cer scare. It took a year of fun and games in and out of medical facilities
and Moffit Cancer Center to rid me of this.
> I have been returned to a class three medical and am a pilot again.
> I especially have to thank Dr. Ira Rampil, my aviation medical examiner, a
nd Europa owner, for his help and support. You know you are in good hands w
hen you get a letter from the Federal Aviation Administration telling me I a
m eligible for my medical with only an office visit required. Ira's knowled
ge, research, support and thorough professionalism was a major factor in my q
uick return to flying status.
> I am in his debt.
> Ira is located at Peach State Airport (KGA2) near Williamson GA. His pers
onal office is in the Candler Field Museum, and his beautiful home and hanga
r are at the end of the runway. Fly in and get your medical exam, a great l
unch at the restaurant and fly home. An aviators paradise.
> Time to get 12AY in for a quick annual and turn aviation fuel into precisi
on air work again.
> Regards to all,
> Bud Yerly,
> Back in the saddle again.