Great News Bud!=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A
From: Bud Yerly <>=0ATo: europa-list <europa-list@matronics
.com> =0ASent: Friday, 28 November 2014, 4:00=0ASubject: Europa-List: Thank
sgiving=0A =0A=0A=0AIt is Thanksgiving Holiday-time here in the =0AStates
.- I have a lot to be thankful for...- Mostly for family and =0Afriends
.- =0A-=0AThanks to all for your kind words and support during my =0Abr
ief prostate cancer scare.- It took a year of fun and games in and out of
=0Amedical facilities and Moffit Cancer Center- to rid me of =0Athis.=0A
-=0AI have been returned to a class three medical and am a =0Apilot again
.=0A-=0AI especially have to thank-Dr.- Ira Rampil, my =0Aaviation me
dical examiner, and Europa owner, for his help and support.- You =0Aknow
you are in good hands when you get a letter from the Federal Aviation =0AAd
ministration telling me I am eligible for-my medical with only an office
=0Avisit required.- Ira'sknowledge, research, =0Asupport and thorough pro
fessionalism was a major factor in my quick return to =0Aflying status.=0A
-=0AI am in his debt.=0A-=0AIra is located at Peach State Airport (KGA2
) near =0AWilliamson GA.- His personal office is in the Candler Field Mus
eum, and his =0Abeautiful-home and hangar are at the end of the runway.
- Fly in and =0Aget your medical exam, a great lunch at the restaurant-
and fly home.- =0AAn aviators paradise.=0A-=0ATime to get 12AY in for a
quick annual and turn aviation =0Afuel into precision air work again.=0A
-=0ARegards to all,=0ABud Yerly,=0ABack in the saddle again.=0A-=0A-