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RE: Europa-List: Re: Charging System

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Charging System
From: Greg Fuchs <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 13:17:09

Hi Alan,
Just a quick statement:

To me, the values you are getting might be typical to a working system that
is at or past maximum load. If the whole panel is lit up with all avionics
on, lights, etc. Try turning off many of your electrical loads to see if the
voltages come up. If they don't, then possibly it could be the generator. I
would make a guess that they don't fail often, so a few more tests would be
warranted (I could give a few hints as to what I'd do, when the time comes).
The wiring in it is all in series, so it would not have failed 'open'. That
doesn't mean it doesn't have a short in one of the windings, or that the
magnets have weakened, which could cause low readings in the AC output

Note: If the aircraft panel voltmeter is correctly connected, that charge
voltage is much too low, and will eventually discharge your battery. I would
not feel comfortable flying with such a condition. In the meantime, to be
good to your brand new battery, charge it up with a good automatic charger
(if you haven't already).

Hope this helps. Good luck.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alan Carter
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 9:31 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Charging System

--> <>

Hello All.
Having received a private mail on how to check the Regulator of the 914
using the two brown wires connecting to terminal G.
With engine running states 15 to 20 VAC at idle, I am getting 13.5 v at 2000
rpm so below the 15.
And at high rpm should be between 30 to 40 VAC , at 4000 rpm I was getting
26v so again below the 30.

So with the above in mind, points to the Alternator rather than the
Regulator, ????? 
You Comments Please.

PS, On New Battery just installed,  Aircrafts Panel voltmeter at cruise
reads only 12.4 v never ever seen it at 13v


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