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Europa-List: Re: Charging System

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Charging System
From: Alan Carter <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 14:18:22

Hi Greg.
This is becoming a big problem, I can see the panel voltmeter move slightly as
I increase power, but you are right its not maintaining my battery.
With the volt meter across the battery at cruise power its only 12.8v.
Now we come to fixing it, sodding built in intricate mag/alternator on the back
of the engine, 
I was expecting a bolt on Alternator replacement unit, insert the shaft and 
up the 4 bolts , JOB DONE, same as the a tyre change on bloody main wheels,
have to unlock and unbolt the disc to change a tyre,  
Took me longer to do the wire locking than it did to fit the new tyre.
WHY ??

Anybody repaired the Alternator on the 914.

Regards .

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