I inherited a really simple and lightweight system that works well on
the airfield and provides a stable support while trailering.
It was constructed from two parallel lengths of plastic drain pipe
covered in thick pipe insulation foam and taped at either end with duct
tape. This simple "bow" is dropped over the tail/rudder until it jambs
naturally on the fin's taper.
It aligns the rudder with the fin (so no asymmetric loads while towing)
and more importantly, supports the rudder directly.
Solutions that lock the rudder pedals within the cockpit do not prevent
gust loads from being transmitted through the entire rudder control system.
On 02/08/2015 11:33, Rick Moss wrote:
> I'm trying to come up with a lightweight and effective design for a rudder
> gust
lock, ideally that can be 3d printed on an 8" cube 3d printer (because that's
what I have).
> I'm thinking something the clips onto the starboard rudder horn and attaches
to the tail tie-down, but there may be better suggestions out there?
> Any thoughts?
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=445500#445500