Thank you iPhone users for waiting out the IOS 9 upgrade while the Airport
Car app was down. The app is back up for all users and the layout and look
of the app has been upgraded also. The listings continue to grow, currently
at over 1,520, and approaches 25,000 launches. Please continue to send in
I have missed or corrections that need to be made and I will get right on
them. And if you use and like the app, please consider a small donation to help
with expenses, even the tip that you leave on the lunch counter is appreciated.
There are PayPal links on the app, and my mailing address is also listed
within the app. Glenn
Glenn Brasch
RV-9A Flying
1952 Piper Tri-Pacer
Medevac Helicopter Pilot (Ret)
Tucson, Arizona
Owner, "Airport Courtesy Cars" Smart Phone App.
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