I can look through my oil hatch at the coolant level easily on the port side
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> On 16/05/2016, at 9:45 AM, Pete Lawless <pete@lawless.info> wrote:
> I check mine every time I fly - even after a short stop off!! It is part o
f my standard pre flight check.
> Pete
>> On 15/05/16 20:03, davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk wrote:
>> Rowland, I very much doubt whether anyone checks the overflow bottle cool
ant level at all, unless the level in the header tank is down or they have t
he top cowling off for something else. It seems to me entirely non critical a
s long as the header tank/inlet is full.
>> Regards, David
>>> On 2016-05-15 18:55, Rowland Carson wrote:
>>> I'm trying to find the optimum position to install my coolant overflow b
ottle, and have come up with some associated queries.
>>> (1) On the relatively few installations of which I've got pictures, most
people seem to fit it at the port side on top of the footwell. My present p
lan for the layout of the battery and electrics offers space for it on the s
tarboard side instead. However, either of these locations makes it somewhat i
naccessible for daily checks. My copy of the Rotax Operators Manual says (in
ter alia):
>>> "10.3.1) Daily checks
>>> .
>>> .
>>> Verify coolant level in the overflow bottle, replenish as required.
>>> The coolant level must be between max. and min. mark or at least 0.2 lit
re (0.4 liq pt)."
>>> It must be near-impossible to see the level in the overflow bottle (in t
he typical port footwell location) from the hatch over the expansion tank - h
ow do other folk comply with this requirement for daily checks?
>>> (2) My Rotax Installation Manual says:
>>> "Expansion tank to overflow bottle hose:
>>> - Hose connecting expansion tank to overflow bottle must be rated for va
cuum/suction for min. 125 =C2=B0C (257 =C2=B0F). E.g. it must be strong enou
gh to withstand high heat and suction during the cooling down period.
>>> WARNING: A soft walled hose is not suitable as it can collapse and cause
coolant system failure."
>>> What have people in UK used for the pipe/tubing/hose from the expansion t
ank to the overflow bottle to ensure compliance with the above?
>>> (3) I've seen both tie-wraps and bent aluminium straps used to retain th
e overflow bottle. The ali strap seems more satisfactory as the whole aft fa
ce of the bottle can be in contact with, and supported by, the firewall. Any
one had any good or bad experiences with either method?
>>> All thoughts on these topics welcome.
>>> in friendship
>>> Rowland
>>> | Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
>>> | <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk
>>> | Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson
>>> | pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/rowlandcarson
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