On 2016-05-16, at 22:15, Europaul383 <europaul383@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I used the Skydrive coolant temp kit, repositioning one of the 2 fitted CHT
> senders
for use in the M10 threaded tube. The CHT sockets on my 912S are blind,
so I could remove one without creating a leak - check yours, or just buy an
additional sender for use in the coolant kit!
> I have the carb heat kit, so needed the Adapter 3 (sort of double T piece -
> see
picture) to take off both the carb heat and the temp probe.
Paul - thanks, that is very helpful. I have the Skydrive carb heat kit too. I
trying to figure out how to monitor a 3rd temp sensor as my MGL instrument
only has 2 NTC inputs, but I guess the answer might be to monitor the coolant
and only the higher of the 2 CHTs.
in friendship
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
| <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk
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