No problems, a small amount of grease on the hook contact points.
Kevin Challis
> On 13 Jun 2016, at 16:07, William Daniell <> wr
> Recently I visited Bud and very instructive it was too, thanks Bud. I rec
ommend it.
> For the spring conversion the factory says that the springs rub against th
e upright (the upright that has the bump stop on the top against the frame)
on the nose gear leg assembly and therefore you have to modify the nose gea
r upright or get a new nose gear assembly. Bud said not to worry about that
and indeed I saw a plane in his shop in which the springs were contacting t
he upright.
> What is the general experience? Do I need to modify nose gear or is it ju
st the UK CAA being obsessive?
> many thanks Will
> William Daniell
> +57 310 295 0744