My kit is from 2003. I will send you a pic later but there are many more
threads showing on the bolts than seems to be the case in your foto. this
suggests to me that the issue might be that the rubber bushes are simply
not compressed enough....
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 3:40 AM, Remi Guerner <> wrote:
> Yesterday I started to remove stuff from the engine compartment with the
> intention of compensating the sagging using washers to shim the engine
> mounts. What I saw was worse than expected. See attached pictures.
> Obviously the new rubber mounts are a lot softer than the old ones. I am
> even wondering if such a configuration is airworthy and I am looking for
> advice on that point.
> Now what to do? The best would be to replace the rubber mount by the right
> ones. I questioned Europa-Swift: they keep saying the supplied rubbers are
> the same as before, so I do not expect a solution from this side. Buying
> direct from their supplier: does anyone know the supplier name and part
> number of those rubber mounts?
> Remi
> Read this topic online here:
> Attachments: