Hi Remi,
You show quite a bit more rubber sticking out either side than I see on mine,
you sure the outer large washers are fully clamped between the spacers? The
rubber mounts don't seem fully compressed.
Martin Tuck
Sent from my iPad
> On Nov 11, 2016, at 2:40 AM, Remi Guerner <air.guerner@orange.fr> wrote:
> Yesterday I started to remove stuff from the engine compartment with the
> intention
of compensating the sagging using washers to shim the engine mounts. What
I saw was worse than expected. See attached pictures. Obviously the new rubber
mounts are a lot softer than the old ones. I am even wondering if such a
is airworthy and I am looking for advice on that point.
> Now what to do? The best would be to replace the rubber mount by the right
> ones.
I questioned Europa-Swift: they keep saying the supplied rubbers are the same
as before, so I do not expect a solution from this side. Buying direct from
their supplier: does anyone know the supplier name and part number of those
rubber mounts?
> Remi
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=462344#462344
> Attachments:
> http://forums.matronics.com//files/p1010380a_596.jpg
> http://forums.matronics.com//files/p1010375a_126.jpg
> http://forums.matronics.com//files/p1010372a_519.jpg