I have built a number of panels and installed at least six types of Dynons from
the original D-10 to D-180s, to a Skyview rewire..
Your panel layout is important for ease of maintenance, interference and
of the AHRS.
>From the Skyview manual:
Do not install near high current or magnetism.
Avoid steel fasteners which may be magnetic.
The ADAHRS installation location should also adhere to the following
Avoid locations that are lower than the lowest point in the AOA/Pitot/Static
reduce the chance of allowing moisture to enter the module.
Avoid locations that are subject to severe vibration.
Avoid locations that are subject to rapid changes in temperature.
Avoid locations that are subject to extreme humidity.
Leave ample working room for electrical and pneumatic connections.
Consider the following:
Try to keep an AHARS close to the center axis of the airplane. In other words
near the pitch/roll axis.
Be sure to supply cooling air to the display unit. The new Skyview runs cooler
due to a better processor but the unit still needs help keeping it cool.
is it blanks out the screen.
The Europa and most composite aircraft are a thermos bottle so you must
get air past the unit. Cockpit air is good enough. I suck air from the
pax footwell and blow it across the radios, the AHRS display computer, then out
the top of the panel via more fans.
Keep that stupid backup battery charged. It is all you have during the engine
start power surge if hooked to the main bus. The Dynon Skyview in the Pipistel
I am helping on works by turning on the avionics bus then turning it off (so
the unit is on its backup power), then hit the start button. Heck of a thing.
Plan well.
Since pitot and static are necessary, consider the plumbing nightmare. If you
have pitot static errors the avionics tech has to hook up to the AHARS
of the round gauges. Plan for it, that way you never need it. Read the
manual on a pitot/static check. You cannot change the pitot or static pressures
while the unit is on. You have to shut it off between test points! Duh.
As for the AHARS and Magnetometers:
I have installed them under the pilots seat (Trigear). (Flight control movement
is not a problem, but if you have electric fuel pumps keep the pump as far away
as practical or about 3 feet.)
I have installed them in the overhead (do not use the old David Clark massive
headsets or your heading moves with your head).
I have installed them under the radio stack in the panel and had no problems,
the AHARS has to have an aluminum box around it for EMP interference. I found
out later.
Don't worry about stationary metal objects near the magnetometer, it will work.
It is the moving stuff like the mass balance arm.
I have put them into the aft fuselage. I put it under the baggage bay and it
Make sure it is level, solidly mounted, and just in case adjustable in all three
axis. Rubber isolation mounts are not to be used. I like to use brass screws
into brass barrel nuts. If you are off just a bit, calibration takes care
of those 1-2 degree errors.
Test your installation up to full ground run-up before you finish the interior
so you can make adjustments.
Ground the AHARS/Magnetometer and Skyview to exactly the same ground plane. If
you use the remote radio/transponder, ground them there too. Use quality
and learn to crimp well.
Buy your sensitive mag compass (I use the SIRS type) and use it to check your
installation for magnetism problems power on and off.
Once installed, make sure you have ample time to do the setup. Plan at least an
8 hour day to get everything programmed. Then record all your settings in case
it gets dumped. Call Dynon if you have a problem.
Note: I build my panels so they can sit on a bench and be powered up and
Includes antenna and com. Test your pitot and static on the bench using proper
equipment. Find and correct your leaks. A couple hundred dollars to an
avionics shop is worth it. I have not had a problem with the engine running
and any AHARS I've installed.
I strongly suggest you install round gauge Altimeter and Airspeed and connect
to the Europa pitot tube for a backup.
Pay attention if you want to use the Dynon pitot for your AOA as its location
be well below the wing and near the leading edge as in the setup or it's not
worth setting up AOA.
The Dynon pitot has a drain / vent hole so keep it clear.
Do all the setups and updates per the manual, make sure each component is
to the other and it will work.
Pay attention to the tach. Dynons have tach oscillation problems. Pay
as a 912 or 912S have too much voltage for the Skyview, and the 914 is a bit
weak at the high end. I have had to put a pot in to find the right resistance
to smooth and lower signal voltage to get it stable. On the 914, I had to
install a tach generator. On one I had to put a shroud around the magnetometer
due to antenna interference. Go figure only one antenna caused the jumpy
Buy a direct reading pressure gauge as the Dynon/Grand Rapids sensors don't
work as advertised. If you want exact readings, test, test, test.
I confess I hate every piece of equipment in an aircraft, but if you spend the
time, you will make it work the way you want it to (or settle for) and enjoy
Folks love the Dynon Skyview for its "I don't even have to look out of the
neat stuff, but read the manuals, read the problem reports, and do the updates.
Dynon tended to release hardware before the software caught up to the
real world. Not so much anymore.
Have a great time, you will enjoy it.
Bud Yerly
Custom Flight Creations, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of BobD
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 10:53 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Dynon AHAHRS question
I will be installing a Dynon Skyview System in my Europa in the near future, so
have bumped this thread in the hope that since the original date, several more
installations have taken place. I would be grateful for any advice or
concerning the location and installation of the ADAHRS unit (and any of
the other bits come to that), especially with photos if possible.
Bob Dawson
XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ
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