Thanks for all the responses so far, especially the comprehensive write-up from
I am initially favouring Fred's neat solution behind the D Panel on a shelf, but
am intrigued by the idea of locating it in the P1 headset as suggested by
so remain open to being swayed. I look forward to the photos.
I am thinking of using the already installed static pitot in the wing (suitably
modified) for the AOA probe, and relocating the static port into the fuselage.I
read elsewhere on the thread of three locations at 120 degree apart around
the fuselage (with one at bottom centre to allow moisture to escape). Dynon
a static port kit with all the necessary connections and tube cutter at approx
120. I have yet to cost up the individual items, so I don't know if this
is good value, or even just worth it to get all the parts from one source.
Any thoughts ?
I just have to say what a wonderful source of information and ideas this Forum
is, and such a great boon to newbies like me.
Bob Dawson
XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ
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