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Re: Europa-List: Wing walk area delamination?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Wing walk area delamination?
From: David Watts <>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2016 09:39:38

Hi Richard,

Yes I have had it a couple of times and dealt with it on 3 others. Seen in the
right light you will usually see what looks like a high area (like a big low 

Mark the outer limits of this bubble with a marker or tape.

Now the way to sort it out is to drill a series of 1/8 inch or so holes around
towards the outer limits of the area and then leave it for a while to settle 
overnight or a day or so). 

I usually tape and cover over the rest of the wing outside of the area with 
sheet. Now get a syringe and mix up some resin and inject it in to one of
the holes and keep injecting until it comes out of each of the other holes.
You will have to tape over each hole after the first bit of resin comes out of
that hole to stop all of it coming out of that one.
Once you have got resin out of all of the holes you know it has spread 
the area and you are done.

I usually cover the area with plastic sheet and lay something flexible and soft
and a little weighty over the area like a small bag of sand.

After it has all set you just need to make the area good again, which is the 
part of the job.

Dave Watts
G-BXDY Classic Monowheel 2,300 hours.

> On 9 Dec 2016, at 08:41, Richard Lamprey <> wrote:
> Hi,  my wing-walk area , pilots side, especially spar-forward, is softer and
springier than it used to be.  It used to be hard as a rock.  Maybe with all the
getting in and out, especially moving forward to the leading edge, has caused
some delamination.  Has anyone else had this problem, and how did they solve
> Thanks, best, Richard
> Kenya Europa Classic Mono Reg 5Y-LRY
> Read this topic online here:

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