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Europa-List: Recognize this part? Epoxy question.

Subject: Europa-List: Recognize this part? Epoxy question.
From: n7188u <>
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2017 20:14:28

Europa forum members,

I apologize in advanced but I may need the forums help to identify some of the
parts on kit A291 (I'm sure Marty will also chime in). I have been able to do
well with most of them but I haven't been able to identify some of the parts I

One part I haven't been able to identify is this I include a picture of. It is
a long slender part made of glass with a wood core at the wide end.

Another question I have is regarding epoxies that can be used on this airplane.
My preference is for the MGS epoxies and it is what I was using in the Cozy.
I started using L285 but when it became hard to get and expensive due to the 
classification I switched to the L335 which is also approved for all aspects
of the Cozy construction. A littler harder to use than L285 (slightly thicker)
but a good option given the price of L285. I found during a search of the
list that L285 is OK for the Europa but is the L335 also approved? Can these
epoxies be used in lieu of the Araldite 420? Is there official documentation
on the use of these alternatives on the Europa? If the Araldite must be used,
what are good sources for it?

All info may be available online, I just need some guidance getting started with
the right references.

Thanks for the help.

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