On 2017-06-10, at 08:49, tonyvaccarella <tony@weimagine.com.au> wrote:
> I have a Classic foam core wing and Im ready to install the aileron link rod.
Im having considerable trouble working out how the aileron link rod connects
to the embedded bolt on the inboard side of the ailerons.
> By my reckoning, I would need to make a hole in the leading edge flange of the
aileron to pass the push-rod ends through and then elongate the opening to allow
for aileron movement. Am I on the right direction? What's concerning is that
I cant seem to find it in the manual but Im sure it must be described somewhere.
Tony - I have an XS wing but I imagine the aileron drive is very similar. I had
to cut away the LE flange of the aileron root closeout quite a bit to allow the
pushrod to connect and the aileron to rotate through its intended travel. Theres
no point in just making a hole in the flange as youll find when you come
to hinge the ailerons to the wings. There has to be room to slide the rod-end
off the bolt embedded in the aileron. On my wings its a fiddle to manage that
because the aileron mass-balance horns dont allow the aileron to move sideways,
and the pushrod cant move much in the other direction.
I thought I had a picture of how Id trimmed back the flange but the best I can
find is at:
Hope this helps.
in friendship
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
| <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk
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