Absolutely but you can get the plane approved with stall strips. David
On 2017-06-18 13:58, Ian Cook wrote:
> The SmartAss is not Stall Warning System and just like Clive I have been
> struggling
to get the the pressure switch to work correctly in the only UK flying
Europa Motor Glider. This has been going on for ages stopping the motor Glider
getting a Permit to Fly. I have a SmartAss fitted and it is not acceptable to
the LAA as a stall warning system. None of the other motor gliders or gliders
I fly have stall warning systems fitted we fly near the stall most of the time
while using thermals and something bleating in your ear all the time is the
last thing you want. However trying to get the LAA to except this point seems
impossible, especially galling as the stall is such a non event in the Europa
Motor Glider.
> Regards
> Ian Cook
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 17 Jun 2017, at 12:49, "davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk"
> <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk>
> I fixed it by fitting a Smartass, easily heard via headset & impossible to
> ignore,
neither of which can be said for stall warner even when working - which
sounds as a very distant minor squeak using modern headsets!
> Regards, Davi (Joyce, GXSDJ)
> On 2017-06-16 22:17, clivesutton wrote:
> I have the 0.072 PSI/5mBar/500Pascal Vacuum stall warner switch supplied by
> Europa
fitted in G-YETI (RS Components part No 317-443) but I'm struggling to get
it to work correctly - despite changing the switch for a new one today.
> The first switch would not reliably make contact at the stall warn speed
> (light/intermittent
squeaks at varying speeds) and whilst the other does work more
reliably it is closed/the horn sounds once the a/c is back on the ground/at zero
to low forward speed.
> Has anyone else had this problem and can share how they fixed it or can anyone
recommend another more reliable switch (based on personal experience in use)
please? The pipe between switch and the hole just below the wing leading edge
is correctly connected to the NO port A btw.
> All inputs appreciated
> Clive S
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=470177#470177 [1]
> ttp://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Europa-List
> ics.com [2]
> .com
> .matronics.com/contribution [3]
[1] http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=470177#470177
[2] http://ics.com
[3] http://matronics.com/contribution