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Re: Europa-List: mono wheel handbrake type & location

Subject: Re: Europa-List: mono wheel handbrake type & location
From: Jerry Rehn <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2017 22:27:39

Hi Fred
I was just over at your field a couple of days ago, walked into town for lunch.
I may be able to fly over perhaps this Wed. I will be flying my daughter over
to Arlington and perhaps I could swing by on my way home, if that works for you.
I can share what I do, looking forward to seeing your work! Not sure of time 
but if it doesn't work we'll figure out something. Congrats on taxi!

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 3, 2017, at 8:36 PM, Fred Klein <> wrote:
> Gents
> As I begin taxi-tests, the reality of having my right hand dance between the
throttle and hand brake, and/or abandoning the control stick and crossing over
w/ my left hand to juice the throttle with the right hand on the brake handle
is just beginning to sink in.
> My hand brake installation is per plans, and my throttle is an Acft Spruce 
> A-800
Friction Lock Control which exits out the back of a somewhat-shortened raised
portion of the top of the CM between the seats. My throttle set-up, though
not exactly as per plans, in my opinion does not present a situation for the
pilot which differs any (for the left and right hands) from that of the standard
> During my build, I considered this very situation as problematic and gave some
thought to mounting a motorcycle-type squeeze-lever (with a built-in master
cylinder) to the control sticksomething Id seen on Alex Bowmans mono wheelI did
NOT follow through with this because I feared that making the brake SO available
would lead to inadvertent and untimely application of the brake, possible
prop strikes, etc.
> I know, of course, that everything will get easier as I become familiar w/ my
birdtoday was my first day of taxiing about the airfieldbut nonetheless, Im 
how you mono-guys handle the brake & throttle during taxiing and full-power
run ups, and whether many (or any) of you have gotten away from the stock
brake handle.
> Fred

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