Fred, Most of the time you will of course want brake only with the
throttle fully closed, which shouldn't present a problem. There are
times however when you want both - doing engine ruin ups and more
importantly to turn in a tight circle at low speed. In both cases you
need the stick hard back to avoid the possibility of going A over T and
to maintain tail wheel authority. With the conventional throttle
arrangement you can (or with my large hand I can) readily operate the
brake with the finger tips whilst operating the throttle with the palm
of the right hand, but I guess your arrangement will not work for such a
manoeuvre. It is possible to hold the stick hard back by wrapping a leg
around it and I usually do just that for engine run ups and I can see it
would also be possible for low speed turns. I should explain perhaps
that with a combination of medium throttle and hard, often intermittent
braking it is possible to make a mono more or less spin on its axis,
especially if turning left. If all else fails you can of course get out
and push the tail around!
Regards, David Joyce GXSDJ
On 2017-07-04 04:36, Fred Klein wrote:
> Gents...
> As I begin taxi-tests, the reality of having my right hand dance between the
throttle and hand brake, and/or abandoning the control stick and crossing over
w/ my left hand to juice the throttle with the right hand on the brake handle
is just beginning to sink in.
> My hand brake installation is per plans, and my throttle is an Acft Spruce
> A-800
Friction Lock Control which exits out the back of a somewhat-shortened raised
portion of the top of the CM between the seats. My throttle set-up, though
not exactly as per plans, in my opinion does not present a situation for the
pilot which differs any (for the left and right hands) from that of the standard
> During my build, I considered this very situation as problematic and gave some
thought to mounting a motorcycle-type squeeze-lever (with a built-in master
cylinder) to the control stick...something I'd seen on Alex Bowman's mono
did NOT follow through with this because I feared that making the brake
SO available would lead to inadvertent and untimely application of the brake,
possible prop strikes, etc.
> I know, of course, that everything will get easier as I become familiar w/ my was my first day of taxiing about the airfield...but nonetheless,
I'm wondering how you mono-guys handle the brake & throttle during taxiing and
full-power run ups, and whether many (or any) of you have gotten away from
the stock brake handle.
> Fred