Looks great! Did the G5 give any issues since the panel is canted in relati
on to the direction of travel? Can it be calibrated to accommodate? Im also
curious what the G3x does without engine instruments, is it just missing fr
om the menus?
Cheers and thx,
> On Sep 7, 2017, at 4:36 AM, davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk wrote:
> Pete, A preliminary picture - not set up yet - still thinking I am in US (
although it has worked that one out now). My old 496 kept for sentiments sak
e and because plenty of room on panel. Incidentally my new Beringer brake sy
stem also shown.
> Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
>> On 2017-09-07 00:15, Pete wrote:
>> Pictures! Pictures! :-)
>> (please of course)
>> Cheers and thx,
>> Pete
>> a239
>>> On Sep 6, 2017, at 4:11 PM, davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk wrote:
>>> Gert, I am at the very end of installing just such a system - a G3X touc
hMFD (GDU450), a GNC255, a remote GTX 45R transponder, a GPS 25 remote certi
fied GPS, an ADRH, two Garmin autopilot servos and a G5 as a back up for t
he system. The LAA previously insisted on steam age ASI & altimeter as back
up but now accept the G5 as back up for those as well of course as back up h
orizon, VSIand GPS course. I will happily talk to you off line about it. I h
ave been advised by Manuel Querioz who has been writing a series in the LAA m
agazine about constructing the ideal panel culminating in just such a select
ion. It all looks very pretty but I still have the commissioning and testing
to do.
>>> Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
>>> On 2017-09-06 17:01, Gert Dalgaard S=C3=B8rensen wrote:
rensen?= <stabelvej9@gmail.com>
>>> Hi
>>> I am planning to rebuild my panel this coming winter after I have been f
lying 700 hrs during ten years with the current configuration.
>>> Planning to take away all vacuum and build a new panel around a Garmin G
3X Touch with remote autopilot, transponder, com-radio and GPS.
>>> Have a little challenge in planning this operation...
>>> Cannot find an on-line tempplate for the 7" G3X, and what about the wire
-harness ...?
>>> Do I build that myself, or .. ?
>>> Would very much like to get in contact with other Europa builders who ha
ve been working with this system from Garmin.
>>> Regards
>>> Gert
>>> OY-GDS - 914 - Wood-comp, and still smiling ... :)
>>> ttp://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Europa-List
>>> ics.com
>>> .com
>>> .matronics.com/contribution
> <P1020063.JPG>