Thx, looks great!
(And do please keep us posted with all your installation experiences :)
Cheers and thx,
> On Sep 7, 2017, at 2:03 PM, wrote:
> Pete, I can only answer your first question when I have flown it, but ther
e is I believe a setting up whilst straight & level for the G5 and it is on a
Can bus with the G3X system and subservient to that whilst it is switched o
n so I do not anticipate problems of that sort. The G3X needs an extra modul
e to give all engine data and has to be set up to display it. I positively d
id not want that, preferring to keep my engine data separately, with purpose
designed warning system and not cluttering my EFIS.
> Regards, David
>> On 2017-09-07 18:51, Pete wrote:
>> Looks great! Did the G5 give any issues since the panel is canted in rel
ation to the direction of travel? Can it be calibrated to accommodate? Im a
lso curious what the G3x does without engine instruments, is it just missing
from the menus?
>> Cheers and thx,
>> Pete
>> A239
>>> On Sep 7, 2017, at 4:36 AM, wrote:
>>> Pete, A preliminary picture - not set up yet - still thinking I am in US
(although it has worked that one out now). My old 496 kept for sentiments s
ake and because plenty of room on panel. Incidentally my new Beringer brake s
ystem also shown.
>>> Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
>>> On 2017-09-07 00:15, Pete wrote:
>>> Pictures! Pictures! :-)
>>> (please of course)
>>> Cheers and thx,
>>> Pete
>>> a239
>>> On Sep 6, 2017, at 4:11 PM, wrote:
>>> Gert, I am at the very end of installing just such a system - a G3X touc
hMFD (GDU450), a GNC255, a remote GTX 45R transponder, a GPS 25 remote certi
fied GPS, an ADRH, two Garmin autopilot servos and a G5 as a back up for t
he system. The LAA previously insisted on steam age ASI & altimeter as back
up but now accept the G5 as back up for those as well of course as back up h
orizon, VSIand GPS course. I will happily talk to you off line about it. I h
ave been advised by Manuel Querioz who has been writing a series in the LAA m
agazine about constructing the ideal panel culminating in just such a select
ion. It all looks very pretty but I still have the commissioning and testing
to do.
>>> Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
>>> On 2017-09-06 17:01, Gert Dalgaard S=C3=B8rensen wrote:
rensen?= <>
>>> Hi
>>> I am planning to rebuild my panel this coming winter after I have been f
lying 700 hrs during ten years with the current configuration.
>>> Planning to take away all vacuum and build a new panel around a Garmin G
3X Touch with remote autopilot, transponder, com-radio and GPS.
>>> Have a little challenge in planning this operation...
>>> Cannot find an on-line tempplate for the 7" G3X, and what about the wire
-harness ...?
>>> Do I build that myself, or .. ?
>>> Would very much like to get in contact with other Europa builders who ha
ve been working with this system from Garmin.
>>> Regards
>>> Gert
>>> OY-GDS - 914 - Wood-comp, and still smiling ... :)
>>> ttp://
>>> .com
>>> <P1020063.JPG>