Here is how the "diode trick" works.
The Ducatti rectifier/regulator gets the power for it's internal circuits and
senses the aircraft voltage at the C terminal. It will attempt to maintain
13.5 volts (see Rotax Install Manual, Section 19.4.2). That is a little low
for a lithium battery.
A basic characteristic of all silicon diodes is that a diode will have a voltage
drop of .6 volts. So by inserting a diode in the wire to the C terminal, when
the Ducatti tries to maintain 13.5 volts, the actual voltage output will be
.6 volts higher, or 14.1 volts. Take the wire off your C terminal, connect it
to the anode lead of the diode (the end without the band) and connect the
lead of the diode to the C terminal of the Ducatti. Most any generic diode
will work, it must have a current rating of around 1 amp. I used a 1N4001.
Hope this helps.
Jim Butcher
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