Your assumptions were right and the standard Rotax, Europa, Bob Knuckles R
otax powered electrical systems are all wired basically the same. The devi
l is sometimes in the details.
As the Capacitor discharges, it has to dump its charge somewhere. Like man
y others, I put a grain of wheat incandescent bulb in my alternator warning
light circuit. This allows a slow path to ground for the capacitor discha
rge. (Evident with a slowly dimming alternator light after engine shut dow
n.) Also, the incandescent warning light is required to properly indicate
an alternator (stator) output failure in these old style regulator units.
Of course, in these type systems, if the regulator fails, you get no warnin
g from the idiot light.
Pulling the CB on the circuit and getting anything but a clean power shutdo
wn may indicate your ammeter to shunt or your Dynon indicating system is n
ot getting a clean break with the CB. If wired per the Europa manual, the
Ducati regulator does not get a CB for the control or alternator field (as
in an internal regulator) as a standard belt driven alternator would.
Email me off line with how your actual setup is, as I have found Dynon not
to always discloses some of their idiosyncrasies with tach, amps, aux power
, etc. I have found in many panels, how the alternator to shunt is set up
will affect how sudden power changes are read. I am interested as my next
project may have a Dynon Skyview, and my research on pro=92s and con=92s i
s on going.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
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From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com <owner-europa-list-server@matr
onics.com> on behalf of William Daniell <wdaniell.longport@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, October 9, 2017 8:22:00 AM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Ammeter spike
1. Here is the wiring schematic which is stock Europa.
2. the "slow blow fuzes" in the diagram where replaced with 25A and 30A Ci
rcuit breakers respectively
3. The spike occurred when I pulled the ALT circuit breaker while the engi
ne was running. I didn't leave it out for long because I was worried about
damage to the system.
4. I did not pull the battery CB at the same time.
So in summary the ALT CB, when pulled, shuts down the ALT feed to the bus.
My understanding was that one needed to be able to power the electrical sys
tem from either the battery or the alternator alone in the case an emergenc
Many thanks
[Inline image 1]
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 3:16 PM, Pete <peterz@zutrasoft.com<mailto:peterz@zu
trasoft.com>> wrote:
Id need to see your wiring schematic, and understand exactly when this surg
e occurs....but there will be a surge if the capacitor is in a discharged s
tate, and if there is a switch and shunt between the capacitor and the duca
tti dump-regulator output, and this switch is closed after the engine is al
ready running.
On Oct 7, 2017, at 3:17 AM, William Daniell <wdaniell.longport@gmail.com<ma
ilto:wdaniell.longport@gmail.com>> wrote:
thanks. Is this a problem/potential problem? Or is this a short term even
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Pete <peterz@zutrasoft.com<mailto:peterz@zu
trasoft.com>> wrote:
Depending upon where the large capacitor is, yes, it could spike like that
of it was discharged.
> On Oct 6, 2017, at 11:52 AM, William Daniell <wdaniell.longport@gmail.com
<mailto:wdaniell.longport@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I have a dynon skyview and the ammeter reads off the shunt per dynon manu
al. My electrical system is standard europa without deviation and i have a
rotax 912
> The last time a flew when i started the engine had a red x over the ammet
er (ie not working) where it had worked on the previous flight.
> I pulled the alt 30A cb which reset the "instrument" and thereafter it re
ad normally. I left the 30A battery cb set during this process.
> My question: When I pulled the cb the amp reading, once it came alive, s
piked up to 60A. I immediately reset the cb and everything settled back do
wn to its normal readings.
> Is this spike normal?
> Thanks
> Will
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