I have had a little better performance gain with proper attention to detail
around the gear, engine cowl ducting, and of course the flap brackets.
You will find that it takes as long to do a proper speed kit and transition
s as it does to fill and sand the entire fuselage. There is a lot of detai
l making speed kit transitions properly, making them light, properly secure
d, looking good, easy open to do periodic maintenance, and finally, getting
some speed out of it.
I got 17 Knots at max continuous and 10 overall at low cruise. So you are
about right in your estimates.
I=92ve attached my previous comments and techniques for ways to do transiti
ons. I do not recommend tape and 5 minute glues to fasten a gear speed kit
. Without proper gear leg support and the transitions, the speed gains ar
e less than inspiring.
As for the wing covers. I prefer a fully enclosed wing speed cover, but al
as, you have to take even more time to make it easily and quickly removable
to allow for inspection and maintenance. The Europa style wing covers are
OK as is.
As for putting them in the kit as standard, most manufacturers make this an
option as the old time Cessna owners all know that wheel pants are only mu
d flaps, so why bother. Cirrus and other fixed gear speed freaks all know
that is not true.
Attached are some things I=92ve written on speed kit installation and techn
iques for my customers installations.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
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From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of jonathanmilbank <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 8:16:49 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Full trigear speed kit vs hinge fairings only
I'm reliably informed that the full trigear speed kit, in accurate flight t
ests before and after installation and flown level at Wide Open Throttle in
calm air, showed a full 10 knot speed gain. I'm also informed that the sam
e test performed at 65% power (4800 rpm, 26") gives about a 5 knot gain.
But I would prefer to fit only the flap and fuselage hinge fairings, partly
because they weigh altogether approx. 1 kg while the full speed kit weighs
4.1 kg (9 lbs). Presumably the flap hinge fairings must give some drag red
uction benefit, or else why would they be included in the kit?
Please would you tell me from your own experience how much speed is to be g
ained in the cruise with only flap/fuselage hinge fairings fitted. Thanks.
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