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Re: Europa-List: Engine Over-cooling

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Engine Over-cooling
From: <>
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2017 20:07:45

<<....The water temp was still too cold in the air.  ..>> 
By what measure? Rotax don't publish a lower limit. So long as oil is up to
 temperature, low water temp should have no significance. The cylinders wil
l have a similar expansion coeff to the pistons, so 'cold seizing' should n
ot be a significant risk.

Duncan Mcf.

----Original Message----
Date: 29/12/2017 10:08
Subj: Europa-List: Engine Over-cooling


Lots has been covered over the years about insufficient cooling.  My proble
m is the opposite - when airborne my cylinder head/ water temperatures are 
far too low.   Even in a long slow climb the temps never overheat and anyth
ing other than a climb the temps are too low.    The oil temperature used t
o be too low also but a few years ago I fitted a Thermostasis oil thermosta
t.  The oil temperature is now perfect all the time but it has had no effec
t on the cylinder head temp.

My question - does anyone have any pearls of wisdom on recommending (or oth
erwise) the fitting of a coolant thermostat?  In accordance with the Rotax/
 Conair Standard mod as on the LAA website.

In particular I was wondering if the fitting of such a thermostat might com
promise sufficient cooling (or reduce the usable time before overheating) o
n the ground?   Although mine overcools in the air, on the ground the cooli
ng is only just sufficient!   I=C3=A2=C2=C2=99ve learned to live with it
 but on a hot day with a long slow taxi out I have to keep a close eye on t

Ps.  I=C3=A2=C2=C2=99ve experimented many times with blanking the radiat
or with Ali tape.  Helps a bit but not perfect nor an elegant solution.   Y
esterday was a very cold day and I blanked over 1/2 of the radiator off.  T
he water temp was still too cold in the air.   In the summer, without the r
adiator blanked off it gets too cool in the air and with a bit blanked off 
it gets too hot on the ground.....!   Life=C3=A2=C2=C2=99s a compromise 
I guess....!

Thanks in advance, Jon

Classic Mono

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