I was wondering for a long time if a radiator(s) exit flap could be implemented
such that during very cold weather the exit could be totally blocked off (and
also blocking off the cowl exit concurrently) but with a scat tube take-off into
the cabin for heat :-)
No idea if that would: 1- provide enough cabin heat, and 2- restrict enough to
raise the coolant/oil temps to normal operating temps, in all phases of flight.
> On Dec 29, 2017, at 3:13 PM, Roland <schmidtroland@web.de> wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> I've experimented a looong time, until I found a perfect setup with a XS
> cowling,
water thermostat and almost all air forced through the radiator with only
a 5mm gap below it to feed the 7-row oil cooler instead of the standard 13-row.
Below 10C I blank 25% of the oil cooler and below 0C another 25% with a clip
of aluminium sheet. That way I get >80C oil and 95C water temperature in cruise.
During descents in very cold temperatures the oil and water temperatures
drop even with a thermostat and I don't think that you can do much against that.
> To get the water temps under control on the ground was the hardest bit for me.
Everything else was trial and errow with often very surprising results (one
was the fact, that a 7-row oil cooler is sufficient even with the Turbo Rotax).
> That said, I don't think, that low water temperatures are critical as opposite
to too low oil temperatures.
> Good luck!
> Roland
> XS TG 914
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=476868#476868