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Re: Europa-List: Re: Noseleg bungee/spring replacement

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Noseleg bungee/spring replacement
From: Karl Heindl <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 10:05:18
I did, but found it to be a very bad idea. When operating from a bumpy gras
s field the plane was behaving like a jack rabbit. There is zero shock abso
rption, just spring action. If you are the perfect pilot who always makes 3
-point landings you won't have any trouble. But even on takeoff I had to pu
sh the stick forward to stop the nose from jumping up. I ended up using one
 spring plus the bungee on the other side, the best of both worlds. Everybo
dy else seems to be very happy with them.

I find that the whole nosegear design is flawed and flimsy, and was done as
 an afterthought .

I look at other planes like the Jabiru and see really robust legs, and with
 proper shock absorbers.


From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of Rick Moss <>
Sent: 28 September 2018 09:18
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Noseleg bungee/spring replacement

Has anyone ever replaced the bungee and feel able to share their experience


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