Hi James,
the PH-GOO (Trigear XS) https://abpic.co.uk/pictures/registration/PH-GOO has
a BRS fitted, which - when deployed - is hooked to the engine frame and to two
points of the wing spar on both sides of the cabin. However I wouldn't really
trust the system as (I think) it has never been tested. Also the Cirrus CAPS
has to be maintained in certain intervalls (line cutters replaced after 6 years,
chute repacked etc.).
In my Europa I wear automatically deployed (ripchord is connected to a hook
behind the seats) emergency parachutes
RFB-TC1http://www.buchsein.eu/?page_id=89 instead of seat cushions. They need
to be repacked annually and they weight about 6 kg each. Price is about 2200
EUR each. Minimum height for full deployment is 80m AGL. I'm 1,82m tall and I
fit in quite well (XS-version). I like the peace of mind to have this "last
option" or "plan C" like I call it.
XS TG 914
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