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RE: Europa-List: Re: Parachute

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Parachute
From: Bob Harrison <>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 20:30:05

Hi! Roland/all
IMHO the deployment of a BRS type parachute at sufficient height is to wave
"GOODBYE" TO many  likely opportunities to save yourself and your aircraft
during an unscheduled landing (except a water Landing )because once your
aircraft was suspended at sufficient height you have no control of where you
will hit " mother earth". Without a BRS  chute the aircraft will still glide
in the event of an engine out situation ( although on a pretty severe
downward path )  during which time you will have had numerous attempts to
re-start the engine and be able to select where is the best option to make
your landing .
Having said that I have never had such an incident other than in my mind by
advance planning and practiced emergency dead stick approaches or emergency
failures on take offs.( only ever land forward into that often planned
place, do not attempt to return to the airfield you will NOT even make the
Now if you want to make provision for a catastrophic structural failure at
height like William Mills ( bless him ) then the BRS chute would be useful
other than would the BRS be able to be deployed at such airspeed and risks
of even more disintegration.
The magazine reporter ( also a "Mills")  who designed the Europa BRS
installation had planned on a temporary split down the wind screen for the
aft suspension lines. ( how practical would that be ?) The whole scheme was
abandoned .

Regards Bob Harrison .

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Roland
Sent: 31 October 2019 10:29
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Parachute

Hi James,

the PH-GOO (Trigear XS)
has a BRS fitted, which - when deployed - is hooked to the engine frame and
to two points of the wing spar on both sides of the cabin. However I
wouldn't really trust the system as (I think) it has never been tested. Also
the Cirrus CAPS has to be maintained in certain intervalls (line cutters
replaced after 6 years, chute repacked etc.). 

In my Europa I wear automatically deployed (ripchord is connected to a hook
behind the seats) emergency parachutes
RFB-TC1   instead of seat cushions. They
need to be repacked annually and they weight about 6 kg each. Price is about
2200 EUR each. Minimum height for full deployment is 80m AGL. I'm 1,82m tall
and I fit in quite well (XS-version). I like the peace of mind to have this
"last option" or "plan C" like I call it.

XS TG 914

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