Le 12/04/2020 12:33, Tony Renshaw a crit:
> <tonyrenshaw268@gmail.com> Gidday all, Before I put the top on I have
> the decision, where do I put my battery for my 914 powered beast? It
> seems under the parcel shelf accessed through the two seat pan panels,
> or right down the back just forward of the tail plane bulkhead. Could
> I please ask for any advice or input, and I do wish to be able to
> have, worst case 180 kg in the seats, and close to zero fuel in the
> tank, and still be in CoG, with an Airmaster prop hanging off the front. /
Hi Tony, The battery location is commanded by CoG considerations. There
is no problems having the battery(ies) in the back, and no problem
starting, provided you use the proper wire gauge. The Rotax are happy
with AWG 6 for short to medium lengths, and AWG 4 when batteries are far
in the back. Our 914 4-seater (= not an Europa^^!) has the starting
battery in the back to achieve correct CoG, and we never had any
starting problems. The same applies to every airplane I happen to wire.
We are using one small 7 Ah, 2.7 kg SBS8 Hawker RG battery in the back.
Starting problems are usually related to wiring issues. FWIW.
Best regards,