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Re: Europa-List: Stall Warner

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Stall Warner
From: Kevin Challis <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 07:11:52
Smartass better than a stall Warner in my opinion. I have no connection to t
he company.

Kevin Challis

> On 21 Aug 2020, at 01:01, James McErlain <> wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> I'm a new Europa XS owner and even though my aircraft was built to a very h
igh level of quality, I=99ve found a problem on the first flight which
 could some day mean the difference between life and death!  
> The =98Stall Warner=99 doesn=99t go off when the aircraf
t is stalled in any configuration i.e. power on or power off. 
> Before the flight, while doing a walk-around I tested the 'Stall Warner' b
y sucking on it and it worked by sounding a very audible noise in the cockpi
> Can anyone advise why it isn=99t sounding in flight when an actual s
tall takes place? Is there any configuration of the system necessary to set i
t up correctly? If there is, does anyone know how it should be carried out?
> Thank you in anticipation
> James from 
> Ireland

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