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Re: Europa-List: Airbox for 912S

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Airbox for 912S
From: Jeff B <>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 09:30:14

Steve, you should be fine as long as the internal diameter of the tube 
is equal to or greater than the internal diameter of the carb opening.


"I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is to arrange 
the meeting."

-Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf

On 9/3/2020 8:40 AM, Steven Pitt wrote:
> I have had to repair my airbox as it split under the clamp.
> Can anyone tell me how critical the airflow into the carburettors via the box
is? Do I need to ensure a smooth and equal airflow?
> I suspect not as the quality of the airbox is somewhat rudimentary.
> For information I made up some bid' tube and epoxied it into the existing 
> airflow
tube. I have tried to make the entrance a smooth as possible.
> Thank you.
> Steve Pitt

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