<<...He is very much happier to have a nicely calibrated fuel gauge and a simple
on/off fuel valve....>>
That's the thing. How do you know (when you're down to 4 gallons with both sides
of the saddle full) whether there is 4 gallons in there or just 2 gallons (one
side full only)?
The same is also true to a lesser extent for the split system, but teeing both
together also risks introduction of air locks when one side becomes
empty (through spillover or the effect of the fuel return line, etc).
Duncan McF.
> On 31 October 2020 at 16:00 Rick Moss <Rkwmoss@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a friend who has linked the 2 sides of the tank with a Y-piece.
> He is very much happier to have a nicely calibrated fuel gauge and a simple
> on/off
fuel valve.
> How low are you willing to run any single tank? For me, the answer is about 15
litres. Less that that, and Im getting nervous. With (effectively) 2 tanks,
I dont know how to decide at what point to change the feed side; so end up not
using either leg of the tank.
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=499042#499042