The spar strap was introduced as part of the weight upgrade modification
---From 1300 Lbs. to 1370 Lbs. (and not a result of any accidents).
It was introduced to prevent the rear spar bending away at maximum loading.
Dave Watts
On Sat, 19 Dec 2020 at 12:05, jglazener <> wrote:
> I have come to the point where everything on the plane is finished and
> working. Everything? Not quite. Through procrastination, lack of
> understanding and the hassle involved in getting two wings lined up
> vertically I have put off making the spar strap until this is really the
> only thing keeping me from flying.Now it's winter and even more
> inconvenient since I have to do it outside.
> Obviously if it is flight safety related its a no-brainer that I have to
> do it now or wait for better weather. But I am just wondering: is this
> really an A-item (failure leading to loss of A/C and crew) or a nice to
> have I can do later? With all the lift and pip pins in there it seems the
> wings are pretty secure. If this strap is what is separating you from
> disaster you probably have a different problem altogether.
> Any thoughts?
> --------
> Jeroen
> Read this topic online here: