Seeing as the more knowledgeable are not responding I will give parts of your Q
a go:
Sounds like a no brainer but do not attempt to start with a weak battery. You
do damage to your starting system and have a poor start performance (especially
cold engine and in cold weather)
For a cold start
If using ULP/MoGas, it must be fresh, for best starting performance adding a
slug (minimum 20 L) of fresh fuel to a slightly stale tank contents is usually
sufficient to bring it up to specifications.
Make sure you run your fuel boost pump until a stable pressure is achieved (turn
All non-starting circuits must be off before cranking.
I like to have my choke on full (closed) with just a mm or two of throttle. This
will give a very slightly higher than your minimum idle RPM.
After start - Do not be in a hurry to close your choke and then do it gradually,
bringing in a bit more throttle to maintain fast idle at choke full off, engine
should be at or about 2-2200 RPM.
Hot start
Same as above, without any choke. In fact, I like to stop/kill my engine with
RPM slightly above minimum idle, in preparation for the next start.
No start! REST THE SYSTEM to allow cooling consider possible over rich/flooding
may have occurred. If so, OPEN CHOKE & advance THROTTLE (1/3 1/2) ARM BOTH
IGNITIONS when system cooled (be sure to have brakes fully engaged) CRANK
and be ready to reduce RPM (slowly)
No starter motor should be used as a prolonged cranking device so dont crank &
then engage your ignition. Always arm your ignition (1 and/or 2) and then
As for starting on ignition 1, 2 or both I prefer both, but many pilots will
on one and then bring in the second.
Soft Start (SS) First make doubly sure it is not fitted.
If not fitted consider purchasing/fitting the SS fly wheel. This a fairly easy
and low-cost upgrade that will give you some SS capability, without fitting the
very expensive SS modules.
If you have the dollars one SS Module and the fly wheel will give you all the
SS you need.
I understand that there was a period where the SS was fitted but not necessarily
connected check for this, as I understand a small piece of wiring harness is
all that is needed to bring it into effect.
Cant answer your Q on the alternator on/off but my gut feeling is that it should
make no difference to a starting system in good condition, powered by a good
Your battery, start cables & connector condition is always the lowest cost key
to a reliable start.
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