LAA TL2.26 issue 2 , 2017 is essential reading for the use of e5 mo gas.
Anyone doing rubber hose renewal should source hose approved to e5 specifica
tions, ( usually stamped on hose ) from a reputable source.
Stagnation of old fuel is a very real issue and guidance is within document.
I=99ve found it best to turn off fuel and run float bowls dry to stop e
ngine ..
Then fresh fuel can be introduced via electric pump for engine start .
A Jumper pack for first start ensures full crank speed and avoids any kick b
ack risk to the starting train .
I also swear by the soft start to retard ignition for starting .
I=99m sure future increases in alcohol will need suitable hoses etc be
fore approved for use .
Kevin .
Sent from my iPad
> On 18 Mar 2021, at 22:49, Steve Ivell <> wrote:
> Hi Jonathan
> The Rotax engine is fine with ethanol, as you mention in Brazil. The engin
e is designed for mogas and really doesn't like Avgas.
> My feeling is that the LAA are living in the past and if it's not Avgas it
's no good!! Well it's time to smell the coffee and get used to the here and
now. 10% ethanol is coming and I'll be using it.
> It might mean changing the rubber more often but that's still much more af
fordable than having to use Avgas.
> Obviously just my humble opinion.
> Cheers
> Steve
> XS Trigear 912s..... nearly finished!!
> From: <owner-europa-list-server@mat> on behalf of JonathanMilbank <>
> Sent: Thursday, 18 March 2021, 21:35
> To:
> Subject: Europa-List: Ethanol in fuel. What about Brazil?
> We in the UK are faced with the prospect of ethanol content in fuel being r
aised in September from 5% to 10%. About 10 or so years ago (or was it longe
r?) this whole subject got debated to death, with the LAA Light Aircraft Ass
ociation taking the position that we should always check each fuel batch for
ethanol before pouring it into our fuel tanks. The test using a glass test t
ube with about 1" of water in the bottom, noting its level, then adding abou
t 4 X as much fuel before shaking well and allowing to settle to see if the w
ater level had apparently risen, was not particularly accurate and I never s
aw the water level rise.
> The LAA's understandable position then was "If you find evidence of ethano
l in fuel, then don't use it!" This position is very unlikely to change, whi
ch will mean that Rotax engines should either use avgas or UL91. For those o
f us living in god-forsaken northern latitudes, neither of these fuels are a
vailable and it would be economically prohibitive to either import them to o
ur remote airfields or to fly to the nearest large airport to refuel, while s
imultaneously incurring landing fees and handling charges of =C2=A3200!
> Obviously (at least to me) Europas should cope with 10% ethanol in fuel, b
ecause I believe that at least one, maybe more Europas in Brazil were using f
uel with ethanol having well in ecxess of 20%. Seemingly our "plastic" fuel t
anks, automotive fuel lines and carburettors are unfased by ethanol.
> Please correct me if I'm wrong about Brazil and let me know whether ethano
l is to blame for any fuel tank failures in Europas. Thank you.
> Read this topic online here:
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