How can you or the Eurofox pilot be certain it's down to the fuel being sta
le?? It could be vapour lock, water in fuel etc, etc.
We all have anecdotal tales of "fuel" problems but there are many possibili
ties and blaming stale fuel is a bit lame TBH.
Kind Regards
Steve Ivell
07971 128842
From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of JonathanMilbank <>
Sent: Sunday, May 2, 2021 10:24:16 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Question for European friends re E10 car fuel
Hi Dave,
My question is about Europa aircraft as a whole, although perhaps I should
have been more specific. Most people I know in the Europa family and severa
l others using Rotax engines in different aircraft types, have no qualms at
all about E10 in their engines. As you say, it's the "the fuel tank, fuel
lines and electric pump" which give more concern.
But I've been informed that there's no such thing as ethanol free car petro
l such as Esso Synergy Supreme and other "super unleaded" brands in the who
le of Scotland and parts of Northern England, which all get their fuel from
the Grangemouth refinery regardless of brand name. From September this yea
r, all car petrol from Grangemouth will continue to have ethanol of at leas
t 5% and 10% in ordinary unleaded.
Furthermore a friend's Eurofox experienced partial engine failure after tak
e-off due to using Esso Synergy Supreme from a local garage, probably stale
fuel due to low sales turnover. He only just managed to get back onto the
runway unscathed! After flushing out the fuel system and filling with ordin
ary E5 unleaded, there's never been another missed beat in his engine.
So my question remains to be answered by EU pilots and particularly Europa
owners who have been using E10 for many years, as far as I know. Please let
me know if you've heard of any problems experienced by any pilot and/or Eu
ropa owner after using E10 petrol for a long time. Problems not only to do
with carburettor icing and vapour lock, but also the fuel tank, fuel lines
and electric pump. Thank you.
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