The only minor issue we have is that we have to change the O-ring in the
Andair gascolator, after each time we dismantle the glass, as the o-ring
swells up as soon as it gets in contact with the fuel.
You are right: the Viton o-ring which seals the bowl of the Andair GAS375
when in contact with fuel (I do not know if Avgas UL91 or Mogas 98 E5 makes
a difference as I am using both). So when you re-install the bowl after cleaning
the filter element, the expanded o-ring does not fit and it is very easy to
damage it without knowing and go flying with a fuel leak. One (expensive)
is to replace the o-ring every time you service the filter. However, I
found that the expanded o-ring gets back to its original dimensions when stored
in free air for a few weeks. So my solution is to have two o-rings: one in the
gascolator while the other one is drying on your desk, waiting for the next
service. As a precaution I carry a new spare o-ring in the aircraft.
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