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Europa-List: Ignition problem solved

Subject: Europa-List: Ignition problem solved
From: William Daniell <>
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2021 14:04:57
About 3 weeks ago, I had rough ignition on one side on landing.
So i did the usual troubleshooting.

   1. I swapped the CDIs with the result that the problem swapped sides.
   2. Checked all connections with a multimeter, pulled wires, all good
   including the earths
   3. Checked the coils all good

So my conclusion was that an expensive CDI was required.  My
research indicated that there were a batch of short lived CDIs around the
date of manufacture of my engine.

Bought the CDI installed it - everything fine, including mag check.  Flew
landed and checked mags again.  All good.

10 minutes later after chatting to some folks on the field, went off to fly
again and the engine died on one side on the mag check.

So everything apart and recheck.  I found that the ground wire on one side
was broken inside the insulation.  My theory is that when cold, the
insulation maintained the contact and on landing the engine, although hot,
had had good airflow, sufficient at least to maintain contact.
However after sitting still for 10 minutes was sufficient time for the
insulation to really heat up and relax.

The irony is that the ground was one of the first things I checked during
the initial trouble shooting.


William Daniell
+1 786 878 0246

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