Thanks John,
In NZ, we can keep the aircraft experimental, provided we are "experimenting"
making changes. From memory, this requires some more paperwork and restrictions.
What normally happens, is after a period, it is moved into the Amateur Built
category and the builder can do maintenance provided they to a CAA course
of a few days, that focuses on paperwork - I have not decided exactly how I am
going to proceed because I may choses later to experiment with auxiliary
wing pods - ha.
We do however have some creeping legislation here, the ADSB has to be signed off
by an Avionics LAME even on a homebuilt because it is part of a countrywide
certified system, so this has added some complication.
Back to the shoot bolt - good to hear from peterz that his third bolt works
I cannot see how this door shape fault is any more dangerous than leaving the
wing pins out which is a checklist item of course. I am a checklist person
and rigorously pick up my checklist and read through, talking to myself even now
after flying 20 odd years flying, so I a not going to take off unless I have
completed the checklist, the checklist is PART of the takeoff in my mind PERIOD.
I am sure once I get the Europa flying, I will be probably more pedantic - I
already started writing the checklist that is specific to my aircraft, for
example, checking that the panel heat extractor fan is running by placing my
over the vent to feel the air and checking I can see the fuel level using
the reversing camera that points to the sight gauge positioned BEHIND the pilot
and so on ..
Thank you for the feedback guys
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