Correction, checked again, and indeed my center pin does pull the door in
to cause the rear pin to interfere against the stock door rebate in the worst
case. So i guess the center pin does indeed have the same effect as the new
uglymod. :-)
> On Nov 5, 2021, at 1:25 PM, Pete <> wrote:
> Fwiw. My bird has those third bolts, but alas, the rear bolts still can miss
the sill.
> But my precheck and idiot light is good enough for me. (did i say that put
> loud?
> Knock on wood.
> Pete
> C-gnpz
>> On Nov 5, 2021, at 12:55 PM, trevord <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am completing 272 which was started by Tony Krzyzewski here in New Zealand.
One of his early modifications means that this aircraft has THREE bolts securing
each door - there is one in the middle - Also the hydraulic lifter was
---From original (I now think this is standard) and he spent a lot of
time making the doors fit well, so the doors close properly each time, every
and do not bulge out that I understand was a problem from the native design.
>> I am three years into completing this aircraft with a year to go and it has
not been out in the sunshine yet, so I am not sure if the door will bulge and
make it fit differently when hot. But considering the aircraft is experimental,
should not each builder decide if a change should be made and how it should
be done, with your UK LAA just suggesting a possible fix ?
>> New Zealand tends to "follow suit" with CAA/FAA directives, but I am not sure
about the LAA in this case.
>> I was considering a mod for the future, where I could optionally take a door
off and replace with a specially made half-door for sunny day flying (at lower
speed) this would be quite nice I think and of course this would be an
door - is this not the whole point of experimental aircraft, Innovation
through careful experimenting ?
>> Regards
>> Trevor
>> --------
>> Trevor
>> Read this topic online here:
>> Attachments: