This an uncertified part for use on a non- Certificate of Airworthiness
aircraft. It is just a mechanical stop. The worst that can happen is it
will fall off. It is your responsibility to determine if it is satisfactory
for the purpose intended. If you are unhappy with it, simply make your own
part. Your advice and technical knowledge is an asset to our community but
I think it is a bit over the top be charging the LAA with " a serious
omission for a technical deliverable".
On Sun, Nov 7, 2021 at 8:03 AM John Wighton <> wrote:
> SLA and FDM methods are probably both suitable for the door stop. I
> looked but could not find any reference to the material or process used by
> the LAA on the parts they are selling. I think that is a serious omission
> for an engineering deliverable.
> Maybe somebody (Clive) can find out?
> The choice of material is important. Whilst doing work for a large
> aerospace company based near Cambridge we found that they had specified a
> 3D printing process for parts that were subjected to human waste liquids
> and subsequent cleaning with bleach based products. For cost reasons the
> 3D parts were left bare (no paint), a situation that could have led to the
> production of gases banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention.
> Having specified and used 3D printed parts over the past 23 years, l can
> recommend that a surface finish is used on them. That could be primer and
> paint or a thin GF or carbon ply (great for preventing surface cracks in
> FDM prints).
> --------
> John Wighton
> Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
> Read this topic online here: