One more thing.
How to you place the NACA duct for your plenum is an issue many have fought.
I simply put on the top cowl and screw it down. I then set the front elevation
properly to the spinner. Using a marker to trace the outline of the plenum on
the cowl inside allows me to precisely plan my cowl seal flange. Once the
is set, the cowl seal or foam or whatever you wish to get a nice airflow
semi seal will work well. That sets the position fore and aft/ left and right
for the NACA inlet much easier. From that many plans and measurements can be
made and finally whack the curvy lines and set the slope of the inlet ramp.
(Technically it is a 7 degree slope for isentropic flow.) Make the sides sharp.
It enhances the vortex from the side.
If you just follow the manual, it can be a bit misleading, but the NACA
can be fined tune once the engine is installed by doing the above.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
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