I hastily retract my previous comment.
Referencing Fig 3, my eyes are not what they used to be and I didnt see the
(:) after the word Left meaning I read it as Left tailplane instead of a
to the Left picture.
My apologies.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 1 Feb 2022, at 9:22 pm, Roland <> wrote:
> Hi Kingsley,
> figure 3 in the report shows on the left picture the elevator in ANU-position,
which is correct, since the aircraft finally stalled in a steep climb (the Pilot
obviously overrode the trim, which was in the full AND position as shown
on the right picture.
> So all is correct in the report as I can see it.
> Regards
> Roland
> XS TG 914
> Read this topic online here: