=EF=BBHi Chris,
I shall drop it in the post, no problem. Unpick the thread and get measureme
nts for a leather-man or yourself to copy with your chosen colour, I suggest
Create a fibreglass semi circular (elongated) fence from Tufnell control bea
ring housing, on the floor of the footwell, about 50mm high. Feed the boot d
own the control column. It goes over the outside of the fence, stuck down an
d secured with Velcro.
Also along the outer surfaces of the Tufnell control bearing housing. Tie bo
ot on stick. Complete!
Sent from my iPad
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand.
021 0640221
> On 9/02/2022, at 11:58 AM, n7188u <chmgarb@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Thanks for the offer and I would gladly accept it. Please let me know how w
e can arrange to have it shipped to me. My address is:
> Chris Martin
> 1805 Chandelle Court
> Port Orange, FL 32128
> I remember seeing a picture of some sort of instructions for your boot. Do
you still have it? If not NP, I think I can figure it out.
> Chris
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=505938#505938