I like the AV-30, a lot but yes, it has some limitations.
Peter is right, under certain circumstances the AI will drift a little and the
internal magnetometer really doesn't do anything. But I found the magnetometer
issue to be the same with other units (Dynon D6) with internal magnetometers
and uAvionix now offers an external one which should provide a fix.
I have seen the AI drift happen during certain maneuvers like a rapid
and turn as when entering downwind and slowing down at the same time. It will
recover quickly.
But since my airplane is strictly VFR I find it to be acceptable for my
For true IFR I would do a little more research on this matter. I think it
would be fine for emergency situations such as descending through an overcast
layer but I would not do an approach as it is today. But they have a certified
version so, if I was interested is IFR flying with it, I would do further
as to why it seems to have these drift issues and still be approved. I
have a Dynon D6 in my LongEZ and it seems to be spot on. No experience with the
G5 but would expect the same. I just don't like the square look of those units.
I really like the round gage look in my panel (call me a classic romantic) and
the unit is gorgeous. The display is very bright (as you can see from the full
daylight pictures) and super crisp. No issue reading everything on the screen
(if you look carefully at my last panel picture posted here you can read almost
everything, even the DG tape which is pointing 180 degrees off to the west
(I never bother to set it, I have a compass and GPS for that, and should really
turn it off)). It is incredibly small depth wise and, in the typical uAvionix
fashion, very easy to install. Mine is connected to my Garmin 496 so it will
show heading to next waypoint, speed, time and distance. Wouldn't mind having
a second one underneath to act as a DG (well, GPS track or fit it with an
magnetometer) but I realistically don't need it. The panel would look nice
The built in pseudo AoA is almost useless but it will give you a good stall
warning. Just don't use it as an accurate AoA for landing purposes.
So despite my report being honest about it's pros and cons, I still love it and
would not doubt buying another one. I am just dead set on having my round panel
look and the price is right. Maybe if one day I lived somewhere were IFR is
practical, I would consider a regular EFIS panel. The combination of the AV-30
with the small MGL EC-1 currently fulfills all my instrumentation needs and
I love having the analog Winter ASI and altimeter. At one time I had the Winter
out for service in Germany and that is why I bought the AV-30. The ASI in the
AV-30 is accurate so flew with just that until I got the Winter back. And also
happy to have it as an emergency AI.
I hope this helps and don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any.
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